Sunday, April 23, 2006

What a fun day we had

I had a teacher at BYU, George Durrant, who wrote a book called "Best Day So Far." If you ran into him on campus and asked him how he was doing, he would always answer, "Best day so far."

I used to wonder: Better than your wedding day? Your children's birthdays? I don't think he was completely serious, but he was making a point, that you should make every day the best it can be.

Today was one of those days, maybe not the best day so far, but up there. The weather was amazing. After church in the morning, we ate lunch outside, went on a long walk, played with clay, lay in the grass and watched clouds, played baseball in the backyard, and ate pancakes for dinner. Here are some photos:


Leslie said...

i wish we had church in the morning! looks like fun! what a beautiful day, i hope ginger was feeling good for it!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the best day so far to me.

stephanie said...

is that a fence in your backyard?

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful Dad you are. Such a best day so far!
Love and Hugs