Friday, June 16, 2006

Take a one minute vacation

This site has put together sixty-second, unedited recordings of various vacation spots throughout the world.

We watched the documentary "Touch the Sound" the other night, and I realized there are a lot of sounds I don't pay attention to. Immediately after watching the movie, I went outside to turn off the sprinklers and it was like I was hearing everything in technicolor: bugs, cars, birds, water.

Anyway, these one-minute vacations are fun to try. Check out the waves in Maine and the organ playing at St. Paul's.


joojierose said...

elliott - you should check out the "a few seconds in paris" podcast. (do you have itunes?) it's way awesome and free- anyone can submit a short video taken from a cell phone or camera somewhere in paris. some of them are in the most random places - which makes it sweet if you know the city really well.

elliott said...

That sounds cool. I will have to get the podcast.