Thursday, June 05, 2008

Sophie is like President Bush

She likes to have a nickname for everyone in her entourage.

Andrew = Dadoo
Ethan = Bubble
Emma = Oommmuh (with the emphasis on the "mmm")

(Ethan is too hard to say, so we told her to call him Bobo--his nickname when he was a baby. Much to Ethan's dismay, she quickly started calling him "Bubble" because that is a word she was already familiar with.)

Another funny thing about Sophie: Like her cousin, she is bilingual, although Sophie's chosen language is French. She walks around the house all day saying "Où Mommy go? Où Bubble go? Où Dadoo go?" (Even if Mommy, Bubble and Dadoo are right in front of her.)


The Queen said...

But so much cuter than Pres. Bush!!

Leslie said...

ou est la cutest little thing ever? she is SOO cute, i miss her. :(

sounds like her family is her favorite topic of conversation, just like miles. i think it's so cute that we are his whole world.

Pa said...

great that she is already speaking francais! so cute, we miss her!

Jenny said...

love that sophie! wish she could teach ruby to say more than "mom," "dad," and "NO!" :)