Friday, February 13, 2009

Non sequitur

Andrew is reading a biography of George Washington in his class at school.  For his homework last night, he had to invent several quiz questions about what they're reading, and then provide answers to the questions.  To get things started, the teacher provided a sample question for the kids to answer about spies during the Revolutionary War. 

Here is Andrew's first question and answer:

Q: What do you think the Tories should have been called?

A: Meerkats.

Did you answer correctly?  When I asked Andrew why Tories should have been called meerkats, he said it's because meerkats eat nothing but insects.  Alrighty then.


Barbara said...

Of couae I didn't answer correctly. His answer was very clever. Wonder how many kids got it right or even if his teacher did?

Carla said...

Oooookay.... totally over my head!