Thursday, April 13, 2006

The hangout

For some reason our backyard seems to be the neighborhood hangout lately. We set up the slip 'n slide this afternoon and within 30 minutes the place was crawling with kids in swimsuits. It was a lot of fun.


Leslie said...

doesn't that give you fond memories of a stick in your stomach, elliott? i remember that very well.

elliott said...

A stick in my stomach? Watchoo talkin' bout Willis? What happened? I don't remember that happening.

Leslie said...

i remember either you or Matthew, I though it was you, out on our big yellow slip n slide, and a stick had poked through it and either scraped or stabbed you. i was little, but i'm pretty sure i did not make that up. ring any bells? i also remember very vividly when Daniel Lighthipe broke his arm playing soccer during recess. Must be my fear of injury that keeps these so fresh in my mind. funny how we all remember different things and we all had the same childhood.