Sunday, May 21, 2006

Sunday afternoon drive

Emma has been asking for days to go for a ride in my car, so this afternoon we went for a spin. Can you believe we've never really been a mile north of our house? Except to drive to Chicago or South Bend, but that doesn't count. Until today we had never explored the towns nearby. Emma and I found some amazingly beautiful country roads and farms, so we returned home, put the whole fam in the car and went back out. Emma was eager to show everyone the pretty houses we saw.

The mustard (?) fields around town are in bloom right now. Here's the field exactly one mile north of us. Who'd have thought we'd ever live in a place like this?

The weather was beautiful today. Andrew and I practiced hitting baseballs in the backyard for a long time--he's definitely got the hang of it. Ethan and I rode my longboard skateboard around the neighborhood for a while, and inspected the new neighborhood pool that's scheduled to open next weekend.

People here think it's the strangest thing to see the two of us riding around on a skateboard. They wave and watch us go by with their jaws agape and a look that says: "What is that thing?"


joojierose said...

awesome entry elliott. it makes me excited to live there with all you guys this summer!

Pa said...

who ever would think that you would live in indiana. its all good though! what are the names of the towns just north of carmel? mom

Leslie said...

great picture, elliott, that's so beautiful. i wish we had church early enough that we could enjoy long afternoons!

elliott said...

Westfield is directly north of us, and we drove through the old hilly parts of Westfield and Zionsville.

Anonymous said...

The photographs are gorgeous; I'll be on the next plane out... will you have time to take me for a drive, also, if I bake some brownies when we come home?

elliott said...
