Saturday, May 06, 2006

Word games

The kids like to play word games. Here's one of their favorites:

Me: I bet I can make you say black.
Ethan/Andrew/Emma: Okay.
Me: What color is the grass?
E/A/E: Green.
Me: See, I told you I could make you say green.
E/A/E: You said you'd make me say black!
Me: Gotcha.

Here's Ethan's version:

Ethan: Dad, I can make you say black.
Me: Okay.
Ethan: What color is the sky?
Me: Blue.
Ethan: See, I told you I could make you say orange.
Me: Hmmm.

Here's Emma's version:

Emma: I can make you say pink.
Me: Okay.

And here's Ethan's all-time favorite, which we hear at the dinner table almost every night:

Ethan: What's your name?
Me: Dad.
Ethan: What color is the sky?
Me: Blue.
Ethan: What's the opposite of down?
Me: Up.
Ethan: Dad...blew...up! Ha!


Elizabeth said...

Aw, too cute! Those guys are hilarious!

Leslie said...

i think i remember that "say black" game from back in the day. i like emma's bossy little girl version better. :)

The Queen said...

LOL, those are too funny!