Thursday, June 01, 2006

He's on his way to nationals

Andrew won his school's first grade spelling bee today. First he won his class competition, then moved on to the finals, where he competed against 28 finalists from the seven first grade classes. To win, he correctly spelled the word "difference."

The finals were held in front of the entire first grade. We wish we could have been there to see it! He said everyone cheered when he won and received his prize--candy. This afternoon his piano teacher told him congratulations, and he said that's what everyone kept telling him at recess today.

Only half a school day left tomorrow, then it's summer!


Leslie said...

that's great! i loved spelling bees, remember our hot tub spelling bees with dad when we were little? such a fun memory. audrey loves to be quizzed, too. maybe in a couple years we can have a spell-off between all the big cousins.

joojierose said...

have you seen "spellbound?" are you going to get andrew a latin, german and french tutor or make him memorize the dictionary like all those crazy kids?

elliott said...

Yes, and we're going to pay swarms of people in India to pray around the clock to ensure success.