Friday, July 28, 2006

These kinds of stories are amazing

This guy lifted a 3-ton excavator off of a 14 year-old boy and held it for 20 minutes, saving the boy's life.

Update: Here's another one, this time involving a Camaro.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how people can do these things. I remember in 1953 my neighbor's house caught on fire and we got her kids out and than went back in to get her hi fi our with the records stored in it. I weighed about 125 and she was probably about 110 and the two of us picked it up and carried it out just before the living roon burst into flames and we would not have gotten out. It was a silly thing to do but we did it and it took 3 fireman to lift it back up and out of the yard. God gives us strength or something maybe a shot of adrenalin???????