Saturday, August 12, 2006

Earning their keep

We had them paint in their skivvies so they wouldn't ruin any of their clothes. They actually did a pretty good job, and it was a lot more fun than painting with water!


Anonymous said...

This will be PROOF of how mean you were as parents! Instead of telling their children how they walked to school in chest high snow drifts, these three will be able to tell how they had to paint the fence to earn money for clothes! ha ha ha
Hey!! Is that a red pear hanging from the tree? I'm sooo impressed :)

stephanie said...

are they getting watches out of the deal?

Pa said...

We never asked you do paint the fence in your skivies, they should get more than a Swatch. Cute picture, one for the ages. We love you guys. Mom and Dad

Jenny said...

Bentley and Max want to know if your kids got paint on their underwear. :) They were seriously concerned about it. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the picture. They will always have it to remembetr "Painting the Fence"