Monday, September 04, 2006


Andrew: I don't want to go upstairs.
Me: Why not?
Andrew: I'm scared.
Me: Scared of what?
Andrew: Monsters.
Me (thinking we can reason this through): Andrew, have you ever actually seen a monster in our house?
Andrew: Yes.
Me: No you haven't. There's no such thing as monsters. You need to walk up there and get over this. What's the worst thing that could happen?
Andrew: I'll get digested.
Me: Hmmm, that is pretty bad.


Leslie said...

that would be pretty bad. our favorite line is, "Guys, Heavenly Father did NOT make monsters." It doesn't work; they're still scared.

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! And true :)

I remember being terrified in my house. We had a hallway with several doors to bedrooms opening into it. I was too frightened to walk down the hallway to the bathroom; I *knew* that something was going to grab my ankle and pull me into the bedroom. I would beg my twin sister to go with me (she was much braver than I) but no go. So I would run down the hallway, leaping over the doorways. Then I had to do a repeat to get back to the safety of the living room.