Monday, October 16, 2006

More news about TV

Check out this article. Some researchers think autism may be directly linked to television watching among kids younger than three years old:
"The researchers studied autism incidence in California, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington state. They found that as cable television became common in California and Pennsylvania beginning around 1980, childhood autism rose more in the counties that had cable than in the counties that did not. They further found that in all the Western states, the more time toddlers spent in front of the television, the more likely they were to exhibit symptoms of autism disorders."
That seems hard to believe. Is television really causative, or just related?

An interesting aspect of the article is the ill-placed ad for PBS halfway down the page: "The best programs on TV. Period." Du'oh.

UPDATE: More here.


Carla said...

There certainly could be something to this; neurological firings in the brain are greatly excited by television (esp. the fast moving, loud, etc.). I used to holler the same tune about computer/video games, to little avail. Methinks it's also addicting.

Carla said...

BTW, did you see my post today re: music and homework? I'm thinking these are all related.

Pa said...

i think there might really be something to this. there has to be some new factor in the environment to cause this sudden upsurge in autism. don't let your babies watch tv! mom

Pa said...

i think there might really be something to this. there has to be some new factor in the environment to cause this sudden upsurge in autism. don't let your babies watch tv! mom

The Queen said...

I know from watching (ironic isn't it?) the Today Show's big piece on autism that as autism rates have gone up retardtion rates have come down. There is also speculation that certain vaccines can casue autism. It's hard to know.

Charlotte said...

Lots of speculation about the causes (probably more than one)... but I have to say, after working with kids with autism for 16 years, I've found they do watch T.V. a LOT... not a causation... a result of the autistic tendencies.