Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Where's Judy when we need her?

Judy, we took about 100 pictures tonight, and this is the ONLY ONE that came out kind of in focus. We'll have to wait to take some more until Saturday, when we can do it during the day with better lighting.

The 100 were worth it though, because this picture's a keeper. We are in love with that little double chin.


Leslie said...

oh my goodness, that face! she is so cute. how did you get her in that position? adorable! keep posting pictures!!

stephanie said...

wow, she is so cute! very serious. i love it.

Carla said...

What a delightful photo of this new little person. I'm so eager to see her Thursday...
Judy wishes she could come, also. It's killing her not to be able to take photos of her little niece!

Pa said...

so cute! how DID you get her in that position?? she looks so much like ethan - and i am claiming the double chin! lauren

The Queen said...

That is so adorable!!!!! You aren't gonna be able to get fast enough speeds at night!! Try again tomorrow for sure. Remember, don't be afraid to curl her up! And you're right, they WERE worth it because that chin IS adorable!!!

The Queen said...

Oh, and try bumping up your ISO if need be. :)

Jenny said...

I can't get enough of Sophie. She's adorable. What a great picture. I wish I was coming to see her on Thursday. :)

Barbara said...

How cute. The double chin is priceless. Love the picture.
Thanks for sharing her on your blog as that is probably the only way I can see and watch her grow.
Give her extra snuggles for me.
Love and Hugs

Anonymous said...

She is very sweet. Congratulations.