Friday, August 03, 2007

Shanghai, Day 2

Yesterday was quite the day. We met in the morning with an ex-pat attorney who is helping set up the real estate venture over here. For lunch we visited a local restaurant (see below) where they served us a chicken that was still smiling at us, if you know what I mean. In the afternoon we visited some real estate projects, including an apartment building that is being converted to million dollar condos and a mall filled with teenagers who were buying stuff. At night our Chinese partner through a party to celebrate the partnership and the launch of their new quarterly magazine.

The CEOs of many of China's largest companies were among the attendees. Dad sat next to the chief economist for the central committee during the dinner. It turns out the Alan Greenspan of China is very much a free marketeer. We met a woman named Mme. Wong, who runs the largest auction company in China, and who, it turns out, is a graduate of BYU-Hawaii. She was very surprised and pleased to run into a couple of BYU grads in China, but not as surprised as we were.

China is an interesting mix of old and new. At the party last night, our host pointed out to me that all of the successful CEOs at the table represent the first generation in their families in 800 years to achieve success in business. Some come from families of peasants, others families of laborers.

This is a country where most people can remember the first time they got a refrigerator or a TV. (Refrigerators, I am told, were probably not in widespread use until as recently as 10 years ago.) Fifteen years ago when mom and dad were here they had a government minder assigned to them who took them to only authorized places. Now we can get in a car and go anywhere, including to a mall filled with teenagers with extra cash. Given the rate of change here, it's amazing the country has held together as well as it has.

Some photos:

Old and new. All of the tall buildings in Shanghai have been built in the last 15 years.

Dad receiving an award of a lucky pig at the dinner last night.

Dad being interviewed by the China's equivalent of the Wall Street Journal.


Brent said...

Boy, that smog stings the eyes just looking at the picture. It reminds of when I was a kid growing up in L.A.

Discover any Shanghai Romney donors?

Ginger said...

Your dad must be wearing the hat you were telling me about, but in that picture, which is so small, it looked like a toupee at first!

Have fun in Beijing! And have your dad take some pictures of you!

MIMI n' LINCOLN RULE!! said...

It seems though you two have made it out alive after a grand meal!!

Have fun and keep taking pictures with interesting stories.

Lincoln and mimi

Leslie said...

super cool. so now you guys are famous in china. :)

k-Stu said...

That looks like such a fun trip. I hope to see China someday. Enjoy the rest of your stay there! PS: scope out any cool engineering things to take pictures of if you find any. I hear the tallest buildings are packed in like sardines there.

joojierose said...

i don't understand china! the chief economist is a free marketeer? i mean this is good, but no matter how much i read about china, i don't understand it. what is communism there?