Monday, September 17, 2007


At church on Sunday, Sophie was very giggly while she and I were sitting next to Abby, the 5 year old daughter of some friends.

Abby: I know why Sophie's laughing so much.
Me: Why?
Abby: Because you're wearing a PINK TIE.

Abby's tone of voice can best be described as vicarious shame mixed with a strong hint of "duh."

I was totally unaware that I had crossed such a serious boundary.


stephanie said...

i'm surprised emma's never pointed that out to you. men are simply not supposed to wear pink. duh.

Carla said...

You weren't wearing a pink shirt with your pink tie, were you??

Lyle said...

well, Bentley wears pink! (see Jenny's blog)

Christina said...

too funny--like they say only real men can pull off wearing pink!