Wednesday, March 26, 2008


ETHAN: Can I say the 'A-word'?
ME: No.
ETHAN: Can I say the 'S-word'?
ME: No. We don't say those words in our house. Where did you learn about those words?
ETHAN: Nowhere. I just figured it out.
ME: You just figured it out?
ETHAN: Yes. Since S-T-U-P-I-D starts with 'S', it must be the 'S word.'


Leslie said...

luckily for you guys, that happens to be the "S word" at our house too. we also have a D word and an F word. don't be alarmed. the d word ends with umb and the f word ends with art.

it's so nice to have innocent kids, isn't it? :)

Barbara said...

That Ethan is so smart to figure this out all by himself! To clever!
Love and Hugs

stephanie said...

that's cute. i miss ethan. and the rest of you.

Carla said...

Our 's' word was 'shut up'. And if anyone was caught saying it, he/she had to pay Mother 25 cents. :)

Elizabeth said...

So what's the 'A' word?

MIMI n' LINCOLN RULE!! said...

ethan is pretty cute.

in our home we can't say the... "b.r.s." word. can you guess what this word is?

yeah, it's the "Boston Red Sux". i mean "SOX". ha... ha...