Friday, October 31, 2008

Notes on Halloween

  1. Ethan lost a tooth somewhere along the trick-or-treat route tonight. Ironic, given his choice of costume.  It turns out it was not his sweet tooth that he lost, contrary to his initial fears.
  2. Andrew carved his own pumpkin this year, all by himself.  I think it looks like the family cat from The Simpsons, which is totally awesome.
  3. Ethan is not going to be a vampire next year, because the makeup is too messy. And he wonders why everyone kept calling him Dracula, even though he was not Dracula, but just an ordinary vampire.
  4. Emma was going to be a unicorn for Halloween this year, thanks to her cousin, but decided yesterday to be a princess instead.  In the end, she simply could not withstand the gravitational pull that is the Princess Costume.
  5. We abandoned our house this Halloween and left a bowl of candy by the front door for the looters. Ginger came with us on the trick-or-treat route, which was a lot more fun than how we normally do it, and I didn't have to be social with the neighbors on my own. 
  6. Lots of people gave Sophie extra candy because she was cute.  She's two, and doesn't need that much candy.  But she did get me a Mounds.
  7. Even better than candy is when people open their doors and they have a dog. At least Sophie thinks so.
  8. We will be cleaning up feathers from Sophie's costume for the next several months. In addition to the feathers strewn around our house like dandelion fuzz, there is quite a trail through the neighborhood. Was she marking her favorite houses? We're not sure.
  9. The people in our neighborhood give out awesome candy, FYI.
  10. It was 72 degrees and sunny today. Which means tomorrow I must Mow. One more time. Then we'll put away the mower and arm ourselves with snow shovels.
  11. On my way home from the hinterlands of Indiana today I stopped by a small town popcorn store that has over 400 flavors of popcorn. Yes. (I bought a sampler box. We'll post a report soon.) Anyway, the nice lady at the store offered me samples of about a dozen flavors, then asked if I wanted a tour to see how they make all that popcorn. Yes, I wanted a tour. So she took me to the back where a perfectly serious grown man was standing on a ladder dumping popcorn into a drum whilst dressed in an oversized clown outfit and rubber nose. My first thought was, "Their workers dress up as clowns while they make popcorn? WHAT A FUN PLACE." Then I remembered it was Halloween.


stephanie said...

this was a pleasure to read.

Pa said...

sounds like fun - but we want to know if sophie clucked??

Leslie said...

i joined the fam just like ginger this year, my first time. and hardly anything from our candy bowl was taken when we got back. our neighborhood is LAME.

Lyle said...

Gee, Leslie, in our neighborhood if you leave the candy bowl outside its empty after the first group of trick-or-treaters!

In re #5: that's why I want a wife--so she can do all of my socializing for me.