Monday, February 09, 2009


Ethan, on basketball:

ME: Ethan, good game today.  You got to control the ball a lot!
ETHAN: I don't like it when I have the ball.
ME: Why not?
ETHAN: Because when you get the ball then everyone runs toward you.
ME: You like to be on defense better, then?
ETHAN: I like offense better.
ME: But you said you don't like to touch the ball!
ETHAN: I like offense better because all you have to do is run around and do this. (HE PROCEEDS TO STICK HIS HANDS STRAIGHT UP IN THE AIR.)


Barbara said...

Hummm- does he really ubnderstand what it is about or is he just spoofing you?????

Lyle said...

Sounds like me playing basketball. It was always my fervent hope, whenever my teammates had possession, that the ball would not be passed to me. Just let me run around flapping my arms and looking like I'm really participating.