Saturday, October 31, 2009

Boo-wha. Hahaaaa.

Once again, Halloween is the time of year when the differences between boys and girls are made plain.

Two zombies, a "China doll" and Snow White. Or, snails and puppy dog tails, sugar and spice.

Andrew's "barfkin." All of our pumpkins grew in the backyard this year. We cut this one's life short before it had a chance to turn orange. Since it was green, Andrew thought of a perfect design. It was actually rotten, and by the time we finished carving it we all felt like "barfkins". What we do for art.

We ran out of candy at our door within an hour. But you're welcome to come take some of the kids' loot. They all got a ridiculous amount of candy, enough to last Emma and Andrew until Christmas, or Ethan and Sophie until tomorrow night.

They were so excited for today. Emma asked me repeatedly this morning if I could believe that it was actually, finally, really, truly Halloween.

Next year Ethan wants to be a hobo. We're looking forward to seeing how he puts that one together, and what it actually means in his mind. He says the school bus passes by a group of hobos every morning. He sees them out the window, near the municipal water offices, standing by their motorcycles. (Waiting to rumble with eskimos, no doubt.)

Time for Christmas music.


Carla said...

Oh, boy.. does this remind me of our kids. We actually bought too much candy this year;can we mail you some?

Lyle said...

I love that barfing pumpking; seriously hilarious.

stephanie said...

this whole post was hilarious. looks like you had a fun night.

Me said...

awesome! we are in Ladera where Jack was Darth Maul, Annie and Sadie cats, and Max a Ninja Turtle. Looks like lots of fun in Carmel. Mom

Twenty Somethin' said...

the barfing pumpkin idea puts me to shame!

Leslie said...

is it you or ginger with the mad makeup skills? your boys always look amazing!! we all love the barfkin, super icky. :)

Barbara said...

You do the best costumes and pumpkins.
Know you had fun. A little boy at the football game on Sat night came with all of his trick or treat candy and walked down the rows of people and had everyone help themselves until it was all gone. It was a great idea and I am sure he felt good afterwards about sharing.
Love you