Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Ethan brought home a note from his teacher today--a citation for using bad language. Uh oh.

I asked him what he said, and he told me the word. It's a word we don't say in our house, unless we're talking about what a vacuum cleaner does. Not a big deal, though. I think what got him into trouble is that he used the word immediately after the phrase "The Indianapolis Colts..."

So now he knows he shouldn't use that word, and should say something like "stink" instead when referring to a team he doesn't like.

But I'm still not sure if the note home was for the word, or for the noun preceding the word. I have a hunch that if he had started his sentence with "The New England Patriots" instead of "The Indianapolis Colts" the school would have sent him home with a lollipop instead of a note.


Twenty Somethin' said...


Carla said...

Very intuitive!
Although I detest that word... it's so common today, how would any kid know it's vulgar???

Christina said...

TOTALLY agree!!!!