Thursday, July 22, 2010


SOPHIE: Dada, can you read me a bedtime story?
ME: Yes.
SOPHIE (handing me a book): Read this one. The Egyptian one.
ME (opening the book to a story about how mummies were made): You want me to read you a bedtime story about how mummies were made?!?
ME: Oooookay.

Some excerpts:

"The brain was pulled out through the nose with a special instrument made for that purpose."

I don't know why she giggled at this part, but she did:

"Next, the corpse was caked with natron--a natural kind of salt--that absorbs all moisture as it kills the bacteria that rot flesh. The natron was left on for about 40 days."

Sweet dreams.


Carla said...

ooooo.. I loved hearing about Egyptians as a child. A fascinating civilization, more so now.

Barbara said...

Such a wonderful bedtime story?????

Lyle said...

Sophie is going goth.

Christina said... this photo will be etched in my mind as i go to sleep EVER night...lovely.