Sunday, May 15, 2011

Eyes on the prize

Spoiler alert: he gets it in the end.

We love this kid.

Here's one more video for his most devoted fans.  OK, OK--one more (this is the one where he speaks).


Carla said...

That is one determined baby boy!
What a doll... would you hurry and sell your house and move closer to us, please?

stephanie said...

such determination! so glad he got it in the end. my elliot and i are fans. let's get these boys together. we are praying!

joojierose said...

toni and i watched all three! hehe :) we were so rooting for him to get that hackysack :) love you guys!

Christina said...

okay the first video was so mean! poor guy---he was soooooooo close at the end! thankfully he got it!

the second video was funny--he turns around to see who is going "bye bye!"

the third video--makes me miss my older ones being little like that!