Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Trick or treating last night was a lot of fun. Emma summed it up as we were walking between houses when she looked up at me and said, "Dad, I LOVE this." There are a lot more kids in the neighborhood this year--it seemed like there were kids running around everywhere.

Emma liked to strike up a conversation with the homeowners while she was getting candy. Her favorite conversation starter after taking some candy was, "We have a new baby sister at home. Her name is Sophie." She said this at almost every house.

Andrew is a very finicky trick-or-treater, it turns out. When the candy bowl at someone's house didn't contain anything he was interested in, he would wave his hand and say "I don't like any of that." The tone of his voice was not "No, thank you." It was more like "Maye you should TRY A LITTLE HARDER NEXT YEAR."


Leslie said...

too cute--what is andrew dressed as?

elliott said...

Annakin Skywalker

The Queen said...

Oh my goodness Ethan is so funny. The kids are so cute. I can't wait to get out there!!!

Barbara said...

Emma isn't very proud of having a new baby sister! All three look so cute and I know they had a great time. Christmas and Halloween are two of the kid favorites.
Love and Hugs

Anonymous said...

I wish they were at our house.

Anonymous said...

They look good.