Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Watch your 3-year-olds around toy machines

Another 3-year-old somehow climbed inside a toy vending machine, this time in Minnesota. (Click on the title above to see the article.)

We had our own run-in with a toy machine yesterday, when Andrew learned the hard way that three-fingered claws are not effective tools for picking up shiny monster truck toys. Remember Westley's scream of ultimate suffering in the movie "Princess Bride"? It was kind of like that. When the claw descended prematurely, grasping at air as it hit bottom, Andrew instantly collapsed into a little ball on the floor, and all of Wal-Mart heard his pain.

Inigo Montoya: "Do you hear that Fezzik? That is the sound of ultimate suffering. My heart made that sound when the six-fingered man killed my father. The Man in Black makes it now."


Leslie said...

too funny. i can just see andrew on the floor. poor kid.

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor Andrew! How do those kids get in there? And where are their parents while they're climbing in??